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the upwell blog

Kaitlyn of Upwell Strategies

Small businesses are almost always in a state of growth or a state of plateau, and it is important to be intentional about how you spend your money, but how do you decide where? And how much? And when?

Caitlyn laying on a blanket in the grass and using her computer

Finding other businesses that align with your mission can be crucial when expanding your network, creating a list of trusted referrals for your clients, and when deciding who to collaborate with.

upwell strategies black friday

The decision-making journey of a small business owner hiring or outsourcing work in their business can be difficult! The best way to handle this process? Breaking the decision-making up into smaller steps makes it easier for you to approach the problem, and it gives you a way to be intentional with your choices at every step.

I am an operations & systems strategist for impact-driven businesses looking to scale their business sustainably. The goal? For our clients to experience incredible clarity as we work towards their big vision for their business & its impact. 

If you are thinking “That’s exactly the support I need!”

Hey there! I’m Caitlyn, your biggest supporter in all things business and operations.

With guiding questions and tips for creating a successful strategy to grow your business!

Strategic Planning Workbook