Your place to learn all things business & operations

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the upwell blog

The Visionary Vault shop offers affordable & actionable tools to help you easily plan, organize, and intentionally grow your business. Read more to explore our products and the heart behind the shop!

Setting goals is an important part of running a business and managing your personal life. One of the questions that often pops up is how to set and manage short term vs long term goals. This can be especially challenging for small business owners; the day-to-day of running a business can often feel overwhelming and leave no space for thinking much into the future.

In the entrepreneur world, we hear a lot about long and short-term goals for businesses, but how do we get there? And what do these goals actually look like in practice? 

A team of workers making working together on a project

As your business grows, so will your team and the cumulative workload. How can you empower your team to have responsibility and make decisions in their roles?

Kaitlyn of Upwell Strategies

Small businesses are almost always in a state of growth or a state of plateau, and it is important to be intentional about how you spend your money, but how do you decide where? And how much? And when?

Caitlyn laying on a blanket in the grass and using her computer

Finding other businesses that align with your mission can be crucial when expanding your network, creating a list of trusted referrals for your clients, and when deciding who to collaborate with.

I am an operations & systems strategist for impact-driven businesses looking to scale their business sustainably. The goal? For our clients to experience incredible clarity as we work towards their big vision for their business & its impact. 

If you are thinking “That’s exactly the support I need!”

Hey there! I’m Caitlyn, your biggest supporter in all things business and operations.

With guiding questions and tips for creating a successful strategy to grow your business!

Strategic Planning Workbook